Monday, October 24, 2011

No drugs!

Well, I had my first bout of sickness being pregnant and let me tell is not fun being pretty much without the necessary drugs to cure a sinus infection!  You can take a lot of things for a cold or for allergies, but sinuses create a problem - especially when they aren't working well.  Anyways, 4 days later I am about 85% back and able to pretty much fully function.  I must say, I was very useful as a bitchy, sick, pregnant lady when we went to the car dealership on Saturday.  I really don't think they knew what to do with me and all my complaining - so they decided to give me a new tire.  Goal accomplished!

Speaking of cars - we purchased a new car two weeks ago, a Hyundai Touring to be exact, and its great.  The only problem is that it was a "demo" car, so it already had 8500 miles on it.  We got a discount, had everything checked out, and life was good.  Or so we thought.  The tire pressure light has come on for us twice now and we have been back to the dealership three times to get it figured out.  Finally they found a nail in the back tire, fixed it, and sent us on our way free of charge.  Well it wasn't five miles later, I got out of the car and looked at the front tire only to find a nice bubble in the side.  So back we marched and 20 minutes later left with a new tire ordered.  The only thing I'm happy about is that all of this is getting figured out before the baby gets here.  Thank goodness for that!

We are settling into Delaware great and working on the baby room.  My parents come to visit over Thanksgiving and we'll finish everything up then!  I'm so excited to finally meet my baby girl in a few short months.  She definitely will fill our house with lots of love (and good cooking!)  It will be a fantastic January...or sooner!

Love and miss you all.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Can't WAIT!

I can't wait for Annabelle.  Now, every single thing I do I have her in mind, but I think in January I might cry because I will have a tiny hand to hold to show me why I do/live/work for her and Sarah.  I hope she is not as handy as her Mom though.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Settled into Delaware

Well, we're officially residents of Delaware and as of this afternoon, everything has settled into a normal routine.  In the span of a few days (during the drive to Delaware and after), my car and Brandon's car decided to completely fail.  That was not fun!  We were about 3 hours from Delaware when a belt came loose in my car and thank goodness for AAA - they towed us and tightened the belt in about 30 minutes at a cost of $30.  This was all with a car full of animals, so thankfully it went quickly.  Then we picked Brandon's car up from a friend's house and about a mile from her house his car died.  So we had it towed to a shop and resigned ourselves to one car for the week.  So finally, after all the fixing and wondering if we were in the market for a new car, we got Brandon's car back Monday and my car (after another problem) back today.  Yay for two working cars!

As we acquaint ourselves with Wilmington, I have been touring and evaluating local daycares and preschools in preparation for our baby girl.  I found one I love (Brandon has yet to see it) and of course there isn't an opening until June!  But I'm sure it will work itself out and I have a few more places to see in the mean time.  I can honestly say it is bittersweet knowing I will have to hand off my baby to others for even just a short time, but I love my job and a happy mom makes a happy child.

Brandon loves his work environment and I am adjusting to him having coffee every morning (much more "awake" than me).  Thankfully our workplaces are about 5 minutes apart, so we are able to have lunch every day before I go to work and then Brandon stops by the Y to work out after work.  All in all, things are relatively quiet and normal.  I can't wait to meet our beautiful baby in a few short months and welcome her into our lives.  I hope she knows how loved she is already!