Monday, December 19, 2011

Almost at the finish line!

Well, this Thursday will mark 38 weeks carrying this baby girl and I can say I am more than ready to meet her! We've had two hospital trips in the past week - one for my hip (couldn't walk) and one for some pretty strong contractions...but no baby yet!  It is kinda cool to watch the baby's heartbeat and your contractions on the monitor though :)  I'm not sure whether she will be early or late or maybe on time, but I do know that we are ready for her!  We finally organized and completely finished the nursery this weekend and everything is ready to go.  I've even made a video to give everyone the official tour of her room.  Hope you enjoy!

In not so great news, our dog Winnie passed away Saturday morning.  She was an older dog, but a great companion to Brandon and me.  We have so many great memories of her and we're glad we were able to have her for as long as we did.

We'll keep everyone updated on the status of our baby girl, have a great holiday week!

Forgot the most important thing from the past week...I'm 2 cm dialated already and 50% effaced, which Brandon and I think is great news!  Woot!